About us

The network consists of five organisations working for co-housing and co-building in the nordic countries. We are volunteering organisations that wants to make co-housing a common alternative in the housing sector, and to make co-building a common practice in the building sector. We think that cooperation across borders can lead to increased knowledge and learning. By cooperating we can share our best practices, and maybe even develop new and better models of building and living together. The nordics being similar in many ways, and different in others, makes it an ideal ground for cooperation and iterative processes.
What we do

We want to increase co-housing and co-building through:
  • sharing experience and best practice across borders.
  • extending the knowledge base, both regarding research and academic output, creating comparable data across the nordic countries, and to make an overview of built projects.
  • making co-housing and co-building mainstream, and a natural part of the toolbox for desicion-makers.
  • lobbying and networking.

Our target groups are:
  • the public, and especially new groups in the making and people living in excisting projects.
  • politicians, officials, municipalities and other desicion-makers.
  • urban planners, architects, builders, developers and land owners.
  • banks, laywers and financial institutions.